North Mainland Notes 12.12.08

WRVS in Northmavine

WRVS is always looking to improve the services it offers to older people in Shetland and would like the opportunity to extend the clubs further into the North Mainland with a lunch/social club covering Northmavine.

Currently, they operate two social clubs and two lunch clubs throughout Shetland. The lunch clubs meet every month and the social clubs twice a month and have proved to be very popular. The lunch club members appreciate having lunch made for them, and also welcome the chance to get together.

One club member from Quarff likes the company: “I enjoy it very much, it’s fine to go out and have a meal you don’t have to cook yourself – especially since I live alone. The entertainment is splendid, we had bairns singing the other day and they were awful good for being so peerie.”

There is an entertainment or activity at each club and these have included the Shetland Western Line Dancers, a bannock-making demonstration, a Traidcraft presentation, a weaving display and various musical groups and talks.

If anyone wishes to become a member of WRVS and join a club in Northmavine or if you feel that you could help by volunteering at a Northmavine club please get in touch with WRVS staff on (01595) 696913.

Hillswick Chinese

If you didn’t get a Chinese take-away at the Hillswick Hall last weekend, then you have another chance tomorrow night.

The hall bar will be open and the food will be served from 4pm to 9pm as usual – I can recommend the chicken on a skewer and the lemon chicken. Orders can be phoned in on (01806) 503265.

Fantastic fund-raisers

The women of Brae, led by Irene Johnson and Isobel Mowat, have organised a number of events and activities over the past couple of months to help raise the magnificent sum of £6,579.84 for the CLAN 1,2,3 appeal.

The programme has included an eight o’clocks evening, bingo, 500 drive, a CLAN Christmas stall and a Christmas word search. The Delting Boating Club has also been kind enough to put a donation bottle on the bar and this is still in place, so folk can still give.

Finally, Isobel donated the sponsorship money she raised from the Great North Run in October. This is the third time she has completed the 13.1 mile run. Once again she did herself proud and really enjoyed the day and the atmosphere. She would like to say a big thank you to everyone who sponsored and encouraged her.

Irene and the lasses would also like to thank to all the people who have helped or donated goods and prizes. An extra special thanks goes to all who have supported the events and helped raise such a terrific amount of money for the CLAN appeal. The winners of the Christmas wordsearch were: 1 Mabel Miller, Orkney: 2 Kirsty Thomason, Brae; 3 Rita Leask, Yell.

Christmas feast at Vidlin

Older folk in the Vidlin area were recently treated to a Christmas dinner in the Vidlin Hall.

The event was organised by the Vidlin Hall committee and 37 guests sat down to the delightful meal which included turkey and all the trimmings followed by a choice of dessert.

The meal was beautifully prepared and served by Merle Johnson and Monique Hunter who were ably assisted by numerous kitchen staff and three junior helpers. After the meal guests made their way to the small hall where music and television entertained them until the supper arrived (not that it was needed, but everyone enjoyed it anyway). It was a lovely start to the Christmas season and Santa presents were also distributed and much admired.

The guests would like to thank all the kitchen staff and helpers who worked so hard to make it a meal to remember. They would also like add a sincere thank you to the hall committee for the thought and kindness extended to them.

Santa Claus at Sullom

Just a reminder to folk with Sullom connections that Santa starts his busy season at the Sullom Hall tomorrow night. The party starts with food at 6pm and the usual arrangements apply.

Christmas services

The Rev Bob MacGregor of the Church of Scotland is looking forward to a busy Christmas season, and as of 1st January his full-time role as minister for the North Mainland.

His parish is vast and runs from Voe to North Roe and Mossbank in the north of Shetland. Although he has been minister for the area for around two years now, his “new” role will allow him more time for his parishioners and he’s thoroughly looking forward to being able to concentrate solely on the ministry.

During the Christmas period, as well as a number of school services in the North Mainland, there will also be candle light and watch night services and an evening of carol singing at North Haven.

This Sunday three candle light services take place. The first is at North Roe Church at noon followed by Sullom at 3pm and finally Voe at 7pm. On Thursday at 6pm, carol singers will call along the North Haven care centre with a host of Christmas favourites for the residents.

Next Sunday there will be a candle light service in the Ollaberry Church of Scotland at 2pm and Mossbank is having a candle light service at 7pm on Christmas Eve.

Also on Christmas Eve, there will be watch night services in Hillswick and Brae at 11.15pm and a special Christmas Day service at Voe at 11am.

To round off the season of Christmas services, a candle light service will be held in the Muckle Roe Church of Scotland on Sunday 28th December at 3pm.

Mr MacGregor also points out that the Brae Church of Scotland will be open from 6pm to 8pm on Tuesday 23rd December for anyone who would like to add a prayer to a remembrance tree in the kirk.

Anyone who has lost someone is invited to call along the church and write down a prayer or a few words for their loved one and add these to the tree of remembrance.

Late night shopping

Following on from the successful late night shopping evening at the Ollaberry shop, the premises will be open till 9pm on Monday.

New stock is arriving daily and the shelves are now bulging with calorie-laden cakes as well as fancy goods, decorations and cards, so it’s well worth a look.

Scaldin Bragg

Here’s a preliminary date for your New Year diaries.

Scaldin Bragg are playing in the Sullom Hall on Friday 2nd January.

Under-18s need to be accompanied by a responsible adult and more details will be available nearer the time.

Maree Hay


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