‘Yes’ campaign heads to Burra

The burning question over whether Scotland should become an independent country will be brought to Burra this week.
The local “yes” campaign is staging an information evening at the Hamnavoe Hall on Thursday night.
MSP Jean Urquhart will present the case in favour of separation from the UK before questions are put forward from the floor.
It comes after the movement posted a pro-independence newspaper produced by Yes Scotland through doors in East Voe and Trondra at the weekend. Efforts are under way to have them sent to Burra addresses by Thursday.
The newspaper features quotes from Mossbank teenager Gaelan Miller, who is due to appear in a BBC documentary about first-time voters.
Yes Shetland’s Brian Nugent said he hoped the evening would answer people’s questions about what could happen after a “yes” vote in September.
Mr Nugent said: “People seem to be saying they are interested in getting more information. Well, this side of the argument has given folk a chance to come out to a meeting.
“The plan is to hold as many meetings as possible. We held one in Scalloway before the turn of the year and this is the next one. I can’t guarantee that we’ll cover every major area in Shetland, but that would be the target.
“Flights allowing, Jean Urquhart will be there. I will say a few words and then it’s open to questions.”
Mr Nugent said the “yes” campaign had been pro-active in its bid to convince voters of the benefits they see behind an independent Scotland.
“We are trying to be active and I think in fairness we are certainly more active than the other side.
“I know there are people who are in Better Together Shetland, but – as yet – they’re not doing a huge amount that I’m aware of.
“It’s quite bright and cheery, the newspaper, and there’s a reasonable amount of content. The more people who turn up the more questions that are asked the better on Thursday night.”
stephen shirmer
I would think that the good folk of Burra are more likely to ask for independence from the rest of Shetland as apposed to leaving England (UK)
I would imagine an independent Scotland will milk oil rich Shetland Islands councils with new taxes should this independence vote win through and go belly-up.
Support (YES) campaign for Burra.
Joe Johnson
I’m voting no, Alex Salmond needs to admit he’s not properly thought this through. Now Scotland can’t keep the pound if there is a yes vote and getting into Europe will be tricky. Definitely better together.
Harry Dent
Scotland CAN keep the pound if there’s a Yes vote; saying it can’t is posturing on the part of the unionists who must know that without being underpinned by oil revenues, sterling risks going into freefall.
Whether Scotland would be well-advised to keep the pound is another thing altogether.
My vote is Yes to independence; unconvinced about keeping the pound.
M Inkster
A bridge too far, surely? Michael Inkster