Hjaltland set to return

NorthLink Ferries is set to welcome the Hjaltland back to service this week, complete with new livery, following her regular refit.
The vessel is scheduled to arrive into Lerwick at around 6pm tomorrow, leaving later in the evening for a direct sailing to Aberdeen.
The new paint-job has prompted an on-line competition by the ferry operator. Photographers are being invited to post their photography of the Hjaltland to the NorthLink Ferries Facebook page. The best image will be selected on Monday, and the winner will receive a trip from Lerwick Aberdeen with cabin.
Serco NorthLink managing director Stuart Garrett said: “Following the extremely positive reception that the Hamnavoe came home to last month, we are looking forward to unveiling the remainder of the fleet. This includes the Hjaltland which will return to service this Thursday.
“We are confident that the new livery will excite potential tourists about the history and culture of the Northern Isles, with the hope that they will be prompted to experience it for themselves.”
The new NorthLink Ferries brand was launched in spring 2013 and the new livery marks the final stage of the roll out.
fraser cluness
Nice paint job, im not too keen on the fake viking pointing into the sky, i would be more interested if they have put more value for money items actualy into the boat, – like TVs in all cabins. They charge hotel prices for cabins and dont provide hotel services. nice if they changed the names back to the saints traditions which was here for hundereds of years, then ignored by the original northlink operators. Boats were in need of a paint anyway, but whats new inside?
David Spence
lol Don’t you know Fraser, Serco are doing a new job of the boat by making it into a floating prison…..sorry, I mean boat filled with lovely and happy passengers who are ecstatic about being ripped-off with their cheap £10 breakfast, not to mention being charged £18 to press a button on a so-called glorified recliner chair (sleeping pod) and paying, as you have said, hotel prices for a cabin no bigger than a prison cell……..what irony lol
I am still intrigued as to Serco’s relationship with the Tories and how on earth they managed to get the contract (putting the cheapest, allegedly, aside lol)
Harry Dent
David, I see Serco are among the front runners (alongside the likes of G4S) to take over from Atos the task of ensuring disabled and ill people are hounded off benefits as quickly and painfully as possible.
That tells you an awful lot about their relationship with the Tories.
Whoops, Serco awarded contract by Scottish Government. would that not by Salmond and co, Socialist retired banker (slight contradiction in terms). Nice to see Salmond in bed with Serco. Happy manage with the vile Tories!
Tim Parkinson
Benefits are not a devolved matter; Westminster retains them. Therefore …..
Bill Adams
Yet again more irrelevent and quite misleading utter guff from Ian Tinkler.
The North Isles ferry contract was – as required under EU rules where State Aid is involved – subject to competitive tender. That means that if Serco submit a bid which undercuts the competing bids they have won the tender. How difficult is that for people to grasp ?
Karen Angus
Serco should get a discount on their re-spraying bill because the painters forgot to add the name “Serco” in front of ‘Northlink’, as folk might forget who runs the service now?
David Spence
‘ folk might forget who runs the service now? ‘ or they might think it is the Governments answer to resolving the prison population crisis by putting prisoners onto fancy paint job small cruise ships, Karen lol
God forbid what people may think if the boat had ‘ Serco ‘ plastered all over it lol