Police seek missing girl

Police in Aberdeen are increasingly anxious to trace 20-year-old Emma Leslie, orginally from Shetland, who was reported missing after a night out in the city.

Emma was last seen with friends at 3am on Saturday within a nightclub in the Belmont Street area of Aberdeen.

She is described as being 5 feet 7 inches tall with long dark hair which may be tied up. When she was last seen she was wearing blue jeans, a grey Superdry hoodie with pink writing on the front, red trainers, a charcoal wool jacket and back pack.

Emma’s home is in Dundee but she is believed to be in Aberdeen. Officers want to trace her and ensure she is safe and well.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101.

On Monday evening Police Scotland confirmed that Emma had been traced safe and well in the Aberdeen area.
Officers thanked the public and media for their assistance.


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