Staney Hill housing plans recommended for approval

Up to 400 homes could be built on Staney Hill if plans are backed by the council next week to give planning permission in principle.
Shetland Leasing and Property Developments Ltd (SLAP), along with Hjaltland Housing Association are seeking approval for the 29 hectare site at North Staney Hill.
SIC planners have recommended the application be approved, subject to conditions and the papers will go in front of the council’s planning committee on Tuesday.
SLAP is pleased with the response from SIC planners and said the proposals would “lead to much needed new homes being built in Lerwick”. The company held a pre-planning application, public consultation event at the Clickimin in March last year, which was attended by 52 people.
They said this was mainly people from neighbouring properties and it has since “engaged widely and openly with a range of stakeholders including Lerwick Community Council, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Historic Scotland.
“Concerns on issues such as the need for new tree planting, open space, public access, traffic, drainage and potential visual impacts on the setting of the scheduled Clickimin Broch monument have all been fully taken into account,” SLAP said.
Lerwick Community Council is in favour of the plans, though community councils in Northmavine, Yell and Dunrossness have objected.
SLAP chairwoman Susan Groat added: “We have worked closely with planning consultant Alan Farningham and his team and with the SIC’s planning department to ensure that people’s concerns have been satisfactorily addressed.
“We are naturally pleased that the application is being recommended for approval at the next planning committee on 10th March.
“Lerwick is in need of a significant number of new houses and a strategically-placed site such as this with a capacity for 300-400 houses will help to ease some of the demand for housing.”
More on this story and other social housing plans in Friday’s Shetland Times
Stevie Michael
I think more ‘affordable’ housing can only be a good thing. This being said projects like this shouldn’t utilise resources that could/should be better placed elsewhere. If its the case that Lerwick has the demand though then good on those making the efforts to meet the demand.
Now …. Its all well stating 400 homes to be built but Shetland really needs to consider the section of society that is totally overlooked and without hope of ever getting these homes. A typical tradesman or college/university graduate find themselves in a strange situation in Shetland where a lack of social points or children means they are overlooked or outwith a bracket seen as needing a foot up. The options for most; 1) Live with parents (FOREVER 😉 2) Move away from Shetland or 3) Pay high rent with no ability to save a deposit. Anywhere else in the UK a steady job and income and no social dependents or issues would work in your favour. I fully understand that the most in need in society must be looked after and that Shetland does this very well but I only ask more thought is given to those willing to work hard, study and earn a home. Those looking for the chance to buy the house next door to the person just given a one.
I firmly believe a portion of this housing should be solely for those not looking to be granted a house based on a social ‘points’ system. Things like a career, track record of paying rent/bills etc, an ability to save etc. should be seen as qualifying traits not negatives.
Rant over. I am in no way trying to take away from the good work done by Hjaltland and the SIC but please give this some thought. I am aware of shared ownership which is a great thing but again this should be on a bigger scale and not determined by how many negative points one can muster.
Thomas Goodlad
I have no objections to these much needed houses ,but I do question the access to them.
Most if not all the traffic will have to use the new proposed roundabout at North Lochside,which will also have to provide access to the new school and hostel.
Are we not creating another “Knab Road” situation?
If the footpath around the Clickamin Loch ,which is being upgraded at this time, had been made into a proper road providing vehicular access then this would have provided additional access not only to the school and hostel but also to this new housing scheme.
Ali Inkster
Too much like common sense for the SIC Thomas.