Red dress for Lewis on Red Nose Day

It was a moment eagerly anticipated by the masses – Lewis Moncrieff of George Robertson’s appliance shop, sporting a tight-fitting red dress for charity, had already raised £1,200 by mid-day on Red Nose Day.
Mr Moncrieff said that the idea had been hatched at a high-level management meeting. Staff had proposed the Hillhead shop should aim to raise £500 for Red Nose Day, but Mr Moncrieff reckoned that target would be easily reached and he offered to “raise the bar” to £1,000, for which he’d wear a dress for the day.
“From there the idea grew legs, rather elegant legs, I have to say. And muscular,” said the modest Mr Moncrieff.
His day in drag will not quite be finished at midnight, for Mr Moncrieff will be cross-dressed for tomorrow’s karaoke at the Marlex bar. He will also be available for table dances at £30 a pop and had already quite a few advance bookings, he confided to The Shetland Times.
A fine display of charity fancies was also up for grabs at Geordie Robertson’s and had raised another £100 by mid-day.


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