Air fare protesters seek meeting with Mackay

Campaigners calling for cheaper air fares to and from the Scottish islands are seeking a meeting with transport and islands minister, Derek Mackay.
The group launched an on-line campaign aimed at challenging what many see as excessive prices.
It has already been granted a meeting with Loganair’s senior management.
The group are now also reaching out to the Islands Minister to discuss the campaign and the wider issues surrounding lifeline air-links to and from the isles.
Scott Preston, the Shetland resident who set up the Facebook page, is hopeful that a meeting can be arranged soon.
“We are keen to sit down with Mr Mackay to discuss our campaign and other issues that those flying to and from the isles experience.
“Our campaign is has grown at a phenomenal rate, with almost at 14,000 supporters backing us in just five days. Loganair, to their credit, have now acknowledged the group and agreed to meet with us and we are looking to coordinate everyone’s diary.
“We are hopeful that the minister will take notice of the campaign and find time to sit down with us.”
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