Wear it bright at night (Larraine Gray)

On Thursday at 7pm, so it was that twilight time, I was driving to Tingwall hall for a meeting and came across two dog-walkers both wearing dark clothing. It was difficult to see them clearly.

Fortunately having just set out from my home and being in a 30mph limit I was driving quite slowly so I spotted them in my headlights in time to slow right down to pass them.

On leaving the hall at 9pm it had become misty and, alerted by what had happened earlier, I was extra careful looking out for pedestrians and there they were.

Some youngsters were in the road outside the school. Again they were in dark clothing. If I hadn’t spotted them silhouetted against the lights of an oncoming car there could have been a nasty accident.

So come on everyone! If you walk out at night, wear something bright, before there is a fatality.

Larraine Gray
4 Greenwell,


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