Sunday fun run for MS

Two women on a mission to raise money for MS are holding their first fundraising event on Sunday, a 5K fun run.

Fiona Shearer and Frances Tait are organising the event, which will start in Lerwick’s Gilbertson Park at noon on Sunday.

Registration is £5 and forms can be picked up from Geordie Robertson’s or Intersport, or by contacting Fiona or Frances. The run follows a route around the back and front of the loch, returning to the Gilbertson games hall.

Frances said: “There will be teas, coffees and homebakes afterwards in the hall folk are welcome to come along to that, even if they are not running. A local wholesaler has kindly supplied water for the runners to rehydrate after the event.

“Following on from the fun run we have two bag packing dates and are holding a soup and sweet at the Gulberwick hall on the 21st February.
“If you see us out grimacing throughout the long Shetland winter, please toot and wave, and we will try to smile back! We are looking forward to embracing the challenge, and helping to #BeatMS.”

Fiona and Frances are both keen runners and are embarking on the ultimate challenge of running the London Marathon on 24th April. Fiona, who is heavily involved in netball and hockey, has previously completed a marathon in Edinburgh and is a keen fundraiser.

Frances has previously run many half marathons. Over the last four years, with a group of friends, she has organised the MS claes swap, so is used to fundraising.

She said: “The MS charity is very close to my heart as my sister suffers from the condition. In raising awareness and money we hope this can be used to fund research, which might ultimately find a cure.”


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