LIVE STREAM: Up-Helly-A’ procession and burning
Watch the Up-Helly-A’ and procession live on The Shetland Times website. The live stream courtesy of Promote Shetland begins at 7pm.
Guizer Jarl Mark Evans and his squad have already enjoyed a busy day with visits to schools, care homes and the town hall among their duties.
But this evening the serious business of galley burning takes centre stage and you can watch the procession and burning, thanks to the live streaming footage courtesy of Promote Shetland.
The Guizer Jarl’s Squad will pass up the ranks at 7.15pm, with light up beginning at 7.30pm – the procession will then move off, with the thousand or so guizers singing the Up Helly Aa Song.
Guizers will head along Lower Hillhead, Town Hall Brae before heading along St Olaf Street and down Union Street for the turning movement in King Harald Street. The procession will then head up Harbour Street, back along St Olaf Street and up King Erik Street before turning into the King George V playing field.
Where ever you are, you can watch the action here.

Jill Buck
Hello from Denver Colorado. And greetings to 2016 Guizer Jarl and crew, whom we met in August outside The Lounge. Up Helly Aa!!! —– Jill and Bob