Driver fined and banned

A man who drove home after a night out and ploughed through a fence into a neighbour’s garden was fined and banned when he appeared at Lerwick Sheriff Court on Thursday.
Ryan Jozwik, 31, of Gary Couper Road, Brae, pleaded guilty to driving a car while unfit through drink or drugs in Brae on 7th March last year.
The court heard that the police were alerted the day after the incident.
Defence solicitor William McKay said Jozwik had only had two or three beers on the night of the accident and thought he was fit to drive home.
He said that Jozwik, an electrical shop manager, needed his licence to be able to drive to work. He added that Jozwik had made “reparation” to the householder by fixing the fence himself.
Sheriff Philip Mann fined Jozwik £540 and banned him from driving for 12 months, to be reduced to nine months if he completes a drink-driver rehabilitation course.