Manager defends players but admits some did drink

Shetland's 2016 junior inter-county football squad. Photo: Kevin Jones
Shetland’s 2016 junior inter-county football squad. Photo: Kevin Jones

The co-managers of Shetland’s junior inter-county squad have defended their players amid claims that some team members were drinking alcohol the evening before their contest with Orkney.

However, assertions made by the managers of the team contradict the allegations made by some adult sources who were present in Orkney during the tournament. Some of those sources went so far as to question whether the football team’s behaviour impacted on the preparations made by other parts of the inter-county squad.

Co-manager Derrick Bradley admitted that there was an element of drinking at the tournament, but nothing so serious as to impact on the player’s performances or cause disruption to other squads.

He said: “One of the players turned 18 at midnight on Friday so we allowed four of the players to go for a pint. It was just one pint and they were back when we asked them to be.”

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As for Saturday night, the evening before the game, Mr Bradley said: “We stayed in the digs, I cooked a steak dinner for the team, I allowed them one bottle of Bud each and we were in bed by half past 10.”

He added: “When we heard the allegations we got them together and asked them about it and they told us that no, they never went out.”

Mr Bradley’s managerial partner Neil Moncrieff was less forthcoming, simply saying: “As far as I’m concerned this is an internal matter.”

• Full inter-county coverage in this week’s Shetland Times.


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