When did your word no longer become your bond?

On the 28th of April 2016, Mrs Helen Budge, Director of Children’s Services and Mr Mark Clarke, Project Director from Morrison Construction came to the Janet Courtney Halls of Residence. All the residents, available house parents and managerial staff were asked to attend a meeting in our conference room. The meeting focused on the progress of the construction of the new school and hostel but swiftly shifted onto discussion over bedroom sizes, en suite facilities and the naming of the halls.
Mrs Budge spoke at length about how our involvement in this process was indispensable, the process of voting was explained and she proceeded to hand out small leaflets with the web address of where we could put forward our suggestions for the new title. Mr Clarke then gave details of how he would award prize money to the person who first suggested the winning name. This greatly appealed to younger residents however in conversation later that evening, older residents came to the conclusion this could be an unreliable offer, which has now proved to be a true assumption.
Since the proposed name “Anderson High School Halls” was made public and details from the vote, where a majority (44 of 80) suggestions were for the “George McGhee Halls of Residence,” current members of the hostel have spoken out about feeling ignored, lied to and that their chance to leave their footprint in the new hostel was ruined.
This opportunity was deeply valued by long term residents as they know once the doors of the current hostel are locked they will have nothing to return to of what was a home from home for so many years. We understand that the name will most likely not be changed as councillors have made their decision. However, due to pure ignorance from councillors, the residents of the Janet Courtney hostel (2015-17) would like an apology for the unfair decision that was made.
Katrina Anderson
Lorwi Best
Sula Brookes
Lucy Brown
Erin Clark
Harry Cartwirght
Ryan Davies
Amber Eunson
Heather Graham
Robson Gray
Dean Guthrie
Lydia Hay
Nicole Hughson
Charlotte Hutchison
Lowrie Hutchison
Caroline Irvine
Chloe Irvine
Jack Irvine
Maria Irvine
Michael Jamieson
Kay Johnson
Lauren Johnson
Logan Johnson
Scott Andrew Johnson
Scott Johnson
Bobby Kay
Peter Muir
Ashleigh Nisbet
Megan Nisbet
Joe Niven
Rhona Polson
Arthur Poleson
Bryden Priest
Hayden Robertson
Ming Sandford
James Sandison
Anna Scott
Fyntan Shaw
Ronnie Simpson
Brydon Smith
Anna Sutherland
Bryden Sutherland
William Tait
Ellis Thomason
Louise Thomason
Keira Thomson
Chelsea Thompson
Magnus Thompson
Edwin Veenhuizen
Sophie Williamson
Janet Courtney Hostel,
Wayne Leask
Hear, hear!!!
I think that the councilors have neglected their roles and position by renaming the halls of residence against a majority vote and against the wishes of others. This is a blatant sign of disrespect of others.
I will also add that the name they are changing it to is a seriously unimaginative name. The fact that they are changing the name because Mr George McGhee was still alive is quite frankly ridiculous. People are naming a boat after sir David Attenborough and yet he is still alive.
Yours in hope,
Wayne leask
Iris Sandison
So who gets Morrison’s money prize for naming the new hostel? Vaila Wishart?
Haydn Gear
The Cunard liner QE2 was launched and named by and after her in1967. Is there a real need to name things only after the person concerned has died? I think that a show of respect for the still living is most appropriate. As for the naming of the school in Shetland, I’ll steer clear of that one, but the actions of Councillors to ignore the majority choice is yet another example of upstarts who claim to be the servants of the people only to then turn turtle and operate as though they are the masters. It happens time and time again and clearly what arrogant, egocentric no marks they actually are to manipulate or ignore public wishes. I wouldn’t pay them in shirt buttons.
Tom Patterson
I’m sure it can be known as Budgie McBudgeface , despite the official undemocratic nomenclature?