Teachers take steps towards school leadership
Three teachers have completed a qualification that sets them on their way to becoming school leaders.

Bell’s Brae primary teacher Belinda Anderson along with the AHS’s deputy head teacher Patrick Robertson and acting deputy head teacher Peter Haviland have achieved the new “Into Headship” qualification. They are the first Shetland teachers to have qualified.
The course takes 12 months to complete and prepares participants for schools’ senior management duties.
Shetland participants complete the course through Aberdeen University, with local support.
It is proposed the qualification will be mandatory for all new head teachers by August 2019.
The SIC’s education and families chairwoman Vaila Wishart congratulated the trio.
She added: “The council is committed to promoting activities that support school leadership, as it is important that we continue to have a high calibre of head teachers in Shetland. I hope other local teachers are inspired to aim for this qualification in the future.”
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