Ambassador role for young farmer Jakob

A young farmer from East Voe has enjoyed renewed success in his sector having been named an ambassador for farming and crofting.

Jakob Eunson will be an ambassador after his win in the Lantra Awards.

Jakob Eunson has been chosen by skills developer Lantra Scotland to represent the sector as an “industry champion”.

And the 20 year-old has heartily recommended a working life spent in agriculture, working on his father Ronnie’s organic farm at Uradale in East Voe.

The young Mr Eunson already made a name for himself earlier this year when he won the agricultural category of Lantra’s land-based and aquaculture learner of the year awards.

Now, the industry champions scheme is being hailed as a new Scottish government-backed project that sees former Lantra finalists represent their respective industries.

“I was delighted and honoured to be chosen as one of Lantra Scotland’s ambassadors and winning a Lantra award back in March has opened up so many opportunities for me,” said Mr Eunson.

“Being an award winner and industry champion has given me great confidence and reinforces the idea that your hard work
will be rewarded.”

Shane Odie hopes to do well in in the Foundation Apprentice of the Year category.

Meanwhile, former Anderson High School pupils Shane Odie and Kurt Crow have reached the finals of the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards.

Shane is hoping for a win in the Foundation Apprentice of the Year category.

The 18-year-old learned about pneumatics, hydraulics, welding, the use of lathes and electrical principles as well as maths as part of his engineering training.

He also had work experience at Lerwick-based Ocean Kinetics which led to him being offered a Level 3 Modern Apprenticeship. He started with the marine engineering company last month.

Joining Shane at the awards in Glasgow next month is horticulture Modern Apprentice Kurt Crow who is a contender in the Level 2 Apprentice of the Year category, which is sponsored by Diageo.

Kurt Crow is in the running for the Level 2 Apprentice of the Year category.

Kurt works as part of a team of 10 at the Plantiecrub nursery in Tingwall.

The 18-year-old, from Scalloway, started his Level 3 Modern Apprenticeship this summer. He believes his apprenticeship has given him more confidence and knowledge when helping customers.

• See our next Landwise supplement on 1st December for a full story on Jakob Eunson.


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