WATCH: Launch event held for the Big Takeover

Young people are due to take over the running of some of Shetland’s key public buildings next year, as part of the national Year of Young People (YoYP) event.
Launched locally with help from the new Minister for Childcare and Early Years, Maree Todd, the Big Takeover – Shetland 2018 promises to see young people working together to plan and deliver a range of arts, sports and cultural events in over the weekend of 14th-16th September 2018.
It has been hailed as one of a number of YoYP “signature” events that will be held throughout the year in locations across the country celebrating the talents and achievements of young people.
The programme will include music, drama, arts, crafts, film and sport, at seven locations – Mareel, The Garrison Theatre, Islesburgh Community Centre, Shetland Library, Shetland Museum, Clickimin Leisure Complex and the Gilbertson Park.
Youngsters will be supported by staff from each of the respective organisations, to deliver a programme of activities aimed at young people between the ages of eight and 26, with some events also available to the wider public.
Shetland Islands Council says around 30 YoYP ambassadors are already involved in the discussions around the programme, working alongside partner agencies.
The programme was launched nationally on Monday by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
Attending the Clickimin, Ms Todd said: “The Big Takeover in Shetland is gearing up to be a very exciting event next year. “As one of the signature events for Year of Young People 2018, it will be a fantastic addition to the programme – involving young people from Scotland’s most northerly region.
“I’ve also been hearing today about plans to bring the Big Takeover to other Island local authority areas – building on the success of this fantastic concept.
“The Year of Young People aims to inspire Scotland through its young people, celebrating their achievements, valuing their contribution to communities and creating new opportunities for them to shine locally, nationally and globally.”
Chairman of the council’s education and families committee, George Smith, said: “The Year of Young People will of course be a memorable year across the country and especially here in Shetland, where we have some very capable and talented young people.
“I have no doubt that they will work positively with staff to come up with an exciting and creative programme of local events. I’m sure too that our young folk will gain new skills and confidence, and that local bodies will benefit from some fresh and youthful input.”
Attending the launch event were Shetland’s two MSYPs, Sonny Thomason and Charlie Haddon.
Mr Thomason said: “I am so excited for the Year of Young People 2018. The Steering Group has listened to the initial ideas of young people and placed them at the centre of the planning for the year ahead. Young Shetlanders will be at the heart of the local plans and this is an amazing opportunity for the public and voluntary sector to work together to support young people.”
The Big Takeover in Shetland is funded with a grant of £38,000 from EventScotland towards the estimated costs of £80,000.
Young people are also being invited to get involved in the planning and programming of the Big Takeover. A get-together is being held on Wednesday 22nd November in the Mareel Auditorium.
Suzy Jolly
At 26, I would have had little in common with a 14 year old or, for that matter, an eight year old. At 21, I was a parent in full time employment.
Seriously, is the politically correct definition of “young people” now as outlined above, ” young people between the ages of eight and 26″? As an ADULT at 18, I would have been quite insulted to be referred to under the umbrella of “young people”.
“Young people” used to refer to teenagers under the age of 18. Nowadays, it would appear that the ‘speshul’ label has broadened its captive non-consenting audience, and is there any wonder that “young people” aren’t prepared for adulthood if government and other bodies continue to treat them as special snowflakes (which I’m pretty sure they’re not).
Who the hell dreamt up “Year of Young People”? How about the Scot. Gov. actually spend more on education instead of schemes like this? Isn’t there an existing budget for arts, music, etc., to already deliver suitable events for ALL age groups, year in, year out? £80k just for a weekend locally?
When’s the Year of the Pensioner then, or will that be Year of the Iconic Seniors?
Shuard Manson
I’m forty andi wish to be a Young Person. Better dan girnin aboot everything.That’s all you do. Pleeps pleeps pleeps
Suzy Jolly
@Shuard Manson
40 is young. 😉
So then, you’re happy with the closure of youth clubs, you’re happy with the state of education? Or you reckon everything is hunky dory in the world of utopia and don’t think this money could have been better spent elsewhere?
Shuard Manson
What’s dy favourite thing aboot Shetland?
John Tulloch
This is all well and good in itself but is doubtless aimed at cultivating future Yes voters and distracting people from the damaging things the Scottish government is doing. It is the SG “knowing how to spend money more wisely” than the local council whom they have been progressively starving of funds by cutting the annual grant over many years.
Maree Todd is the SNP MSP for Highlands and Islands who devoutly backs SG policies like centralisation of Highlands and Islands Enterprise, irrespective of the views of her constituents and who has now been promoted.
What is Ms Todd’s position regarding the SG’s refusal – noted by Audit Scotland – to give “fair treatment” to Shetland and Orkney regarding the cost of providing inter-island ferries, which the councils subsidise by £7.5 million p.a. and £2.5 million p.a., respectively, while other councils pay nothing?
ian tinkler
“I am so excited for the Year of Young People 2018.” What bigoted agest person. Do all these events and silly ideas exclude seniors just because they see through the SNP nonsense and PR bull?t so spewed out by this grinning caricature ao a caring person.
Peter Hamilton
No doubt Ian will be happy come the year or relentlessly negative boring old farts.
ian tinkler
Nice saidPeter, what a charmer you are. Good, you show such a positive argument, perhaps one day you will look in a mirror.
Donnie Morrison
So all the ‘young’ Shetland folk can get to Lerwick to take part in this ludicrous and expensive project? Presumably the £42 thousand balance is being funded by our ‘cash strapped’ council.
John Irvine
I’ve got to agree with most of the comments, besides being a total waste of money I am always suspicious of any SNP scheme’s, are there not similarities between this and a notorious youth movement that was formed in Germany in the early 1930’s?
ian tinkler
Come now people, let us be positive. Every time this grinning lady utters forth, supporting the latest PR idiocy from the SNP and every time the sycophantic followers throw their puerile insults rational people will see them for their true worth. As for Peter inferring I am a boring old fart, I take exception, I am not that old, I still work, Jazzercise dance and my latest date was a stunning 33-year-old. As they say, you are only as old as your friends, now for boring fart, that may be so, but old!! Back to primary one again Peter, or just the SNP insult machine?
Haydn Gear
Come on Ian , I think you are displaying the sounds associated with being both over touchy and in denial. A boring old fart does not necessarily have to be afflicted by the common ailments of advanced years. A forty year old can be deadly dull and invite the old fart classification as a result. I believe you are well past that magic number so it’s all down to relative perceptions. Like you, I can recall when policemen were all old. Nowadays they all seem to be just out of their teens. But this is the point—— I recently spoke with a young version and he proved to be a boring old fart. It’s all about attitude not years on the calendar. It’s Peter Hamilton’s problem that he lacks the ability to make a worthy judgement of you. Don’t let it bother you. He’s not worth it. As for your 33year old date —— hmm !!! Life in the old dog yet.
Peter Hamilton
Why would Ian Tinkler insult me by calling me part of the ‘SNP insult machine’, when I would NEVER call him ‘relentlessly positive?’ Oh well, I try so hard to stop him offend – and maybe someday that will happen!
I’m still a Scottish Labour Party member btw, and may well not advocate tactical voting against the so-called Lib Dems next time round. I’m open-minded on that, and quite happy about it.
I’m happy also to see a government initiative aimed at engaging and empowering young people.
On a related point, it is good that Radio Shetland have an evening programme reserved for young people. Hopefully more can be done to give them more of a say in future – perhaps in the running of Shetland’s trusts?
Young people in Shetland do have a UNCRC right to have a voice in matters which concern them and they do need adult support (not griping and girning) if they are to be heard. Sad that anti-Nat bigotry has taken the shine off a worthy initiative. Surely not everything the SNP do needs to be opposed?
Saddened by the persistent grump.
John Tulloch
Peter, you appear blissfully unaware of the Labour Party rules?
“A member of the party who …supports any candidate who stands against an official Labour candidate…. shall be automatically ineligible to be or remain a party member…”
(Labour Party Rules 2017: Chapter 2: Clause 1; Paragraph 4B)
ian tinkler
“”Surely not everything the SNP do needs to be opposed? !!””
NHS on Shetland!!! (patient travel!!!)
Failing education at all levels!!!
Our Islands our Future (Island Proofing ) LOL
Salmond now on Putin’s payroll!!!
Named person scheme breaching Human rights law!!!
I could go on but that would be boorish.
One great achievement from the SNP, MSPs, Serena Cowdy twice. That just about is the SNPs only achievement of note to date.
Peter Hamilton
Well, not much of a change in tone there from Little Crotchety man! More open-minded readers might want to read through what the SNP herald as their accomplishments and see if there aren’t a handful to approve of : . Not pretending the Nats are the bees knees, but there May be worse alternatives.
ian tinkler
“Little Crotchety man” and boring (negative ) “Old Fart” Whoop, whoop. Love life Peter, you should try it.
Haydn Gear
Now then children, isn’t it time to morph into grown ups? Tit for tat gets a bit boring after a while.
Michael Garriock
Adulting isn’t all its sold as being either. Especially when those in a position of power/influence over others, interpret (abuse?) participation in it as allowing them carte blanche to behave as arrogantly, patronisingly, disrespectfully and dictatorally towards the general public as they care to.
There’s an awful lot of it around in public service these days, and the subject matter of this article is not without at least its fair share.
ian tinkler
I would hate to grow up Hadyn, someone may refer to me as old!! Forever young.
Haydn Gear
All I can say to that Ian is that Old Masters were young masters once and it is with the passage of time that they become more highly valued, respected and sought after than young upstarts who may never make the grade. There is no shame in being old ( mature?) and those who aspire to having a long, fulfilling life should hope that they will not be cut off in their prime. Sadly, as you know, it happens. It would seem you are a Bob Dylan fan ( Forever young). As he once said “ there is nothing so stable as change”. That should reassure people who fear aging. By the way Ian, check the spelling of my first name !
ian tinkler
Sorry, Haydn, dyslexic. I just do not do maturity, far to old for that.!!!