WATCH: Times videos have been an on-line hit throughout the year

The Shetland Times has done its very best to provide extensive coverage of news and views throughout 2017.
There has been plenty to put in the newspaper, but our reporters have been capturing much of what has been happening on video, too.
Here is just a small reminder of some of the things that happened in 2017. We hope you enjoy the selection. Look out for more news and views, and plenty to see on-screen, too, throughout 2018.
The year started out in typical fiery fashion, with the always spectacular display of Up-Helly-A’. Our cameras were there to capture all that’s the best of this amazing event.
In March,twelve young performers took to the stage at Mareel to showcase the wealth of musical talents in the isles.
Later in the year there was little joy for council leader, Gary Robinson, however, when he lost his West Side seat in the local authority elections.
Lerwick’s Staney Hill Industrial Estate became the unlikely location for the development of a prototype, full-size surf-ride machine…
…While a vintage bus made a welcome return to the isles.
There was a momentous day for education in the isles, as pupils entered the new Anderson High School for the first time.
Tennis mum Judy Murray made a welcome delight to the isles.
And youngsters proved they had what it took to make it big in business.
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