Short film celebrates community’s bruck-collecting efforts

A short film celebrating Da Voar Redd Up has been launched.
Shetland Amenity Trust has been running the event for 30 years and commissioned the video to highlight the community effort.
What started as a few hundred volunteers clearing beaches in 1998, soon expanded to over 20 per cent of Shetland’s population taking part annually.
Trust environmental improvement officer Sita Goudie said: “During its 31 years, over 100,000 volunteers have taken part in Da Voar Redd Up, collecting over 1,900 tonnes of bruck. This film celebrates the achievements to date, and the ongoing commitment of the community of Shetland.
“To have more than 20 per cent of our population take part annually is incredible. If Scotland were to achieve this participation rate, over 1 million volunteers would be required and for the whole of the UK over 13 million. This level of participation is envied by many communities in countries all over the world.”
As the issue of waste plastic had been thrust into the public consciousness Ms Goudie added that Shetland had been aware of the issue for many years and Da Voar Redd Up was ahead of its time.
It is hoped the film, produced by JJ Jamieson and Liz Musser, will inspire individuals and communities all over the world to tackle the global environmental issue.
Promote Shetland project manager Lauren Doughton, said: “Da Voar Redd Up is a fantastic example of the way the Shetland community is able to pull together to tackle something which has become a serious global issue.
“Over the last 31 years, people of all ages, from all over Shetland have volunteered their time to help clean up our coastline, roadsides and public spaces, and this film is a real testament to their ongoing commitment and community spirit. It’s something that Shetland can be very proud of.”
The film was posted on the Dunna Chuck Bruck Facebook page and has been shared on The Shetland Times‘ Facebook site.
The organisation Sea-Changers provided funding.
• The launch of the video comes in the same week that one visitor to the isles described Shetland’s marine pollution problem as the worst in the world. To read more about his claim – and the local rebuttal of it – see this week’s Shetland Times.
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