Wool week guests urged to find inspiration in natural colours

Shetland Wool Week 2018 was launched on Sunday night in its new venue, the Anderson High School.
Enthusiasts from all over the world gathered to celebrate all things woolly, with many sporting this year’s signature Mirrie Dancers hat, designed by wool week patron Elizabeth Johnston.
The event, organised by Shetland Amenity Trust, was opened by the trust’s recently appointed chief executive Mat Roberts. He said that when he came to the job he knew “nothing about wool and knitting”, but was now a “massive advocate”. To prove it, he donned his wife’s knitted Shetland hat, in purple and black with white fluffy sheep.
Patron Elizabeth Johnston welcomed the visitors to Shetland’s “interesting” weather and urged them to study the changing colours of nature, the inspiration for most Shetland designers.
And textile curator Carol Christiansen thanked all the small community groups, such as the heritage centres and SWIs, which make wool week happen.
Wool week has expanded since it started in 2010 and now spreads over more than a week.
More than 600 visitors have signed up for the workshops and outings on offer, ranging from Fair Isle for beginners to advanced lace knitting, and making enamel buttons to photography.
Rosalind Griffiths
• Full coverage in this week’s Shetland Times.
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