Foodie organisation hunts new manager as £61,000 funding announced
The organisation which champions Shetland food and drink has secured funding for the next 18 months – and it is looking for a new manager.

Jill Franklin who held the role since Shetland Food and Drink Ltd was launched is stepping down for personal reasons.
Ms Franklin helped to create the organisation and worked as a volunteer before it was set up. She was appointed the first manager in August 2017.
She said: “I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved in a relatively short space of time. We wouldn’t be where we are without the tremendous amount of encouragement we have received.
“I have loved the role and am very proud of what has been achieved but am unable to re-apply due to personal reasons. I’m sure the next manager will also achieve great things with everyone’s continued support.”
The organisation’s chairwoman Marian Armitage said Ms Franklin had been “incredibly driven and committed”.
“She has led Shetland Food and Drink to achieve wide recognition and high regard throughout Shetland and beyond. I want to thank Jill for everything she has done to bring us where we are today. She has played a key role in the development of the group. Without such effort, I don’t believe the organisation would be where it is now.
“We are really looking forward to the next phase in SFAD’s growth. We know that we have generated a wide range of benefits – from economic benefits to profile-raising – for our members and for Shetland, so are keen to see what we can achieve in the next 18 months.”
An assistant manager’s role is also being advertised.
A £61,000 fund will see Shetland Food and Drink through the next 18 months – £30,588.47 from Leader; £25,000 from Shetland Islands Council and £5,588.50 from sponsorship and SFAD’s own funds.
More in this week’s newspaper.
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