Mixed results down south for netball team

Shetland netball players have been down south this weekend, but there were mixed results for the team during the opening stages of the Scottish Cup qualifier in Edinburgh.

Shetland beat Glasgow rivals Avon in the first of two games, securing a final whistle score of 23-17.

However, it later lost 13-26 to another central belt team, Bellahouston.

Shetland will only find out in the coming weeks if the results were good enough to qualify for the cup.

Team member Sanna Aitken said the trip had been well worthwhile, whatever the results.

“It has been fantastic to travel down and play against some tough opposition today,” she said.

“It is a great opportunity for our team to experience a high standard of netball and it’s always good to play against new opposition as well as meeting well-known rivals.

“These opportunities allow us to develop our skill level and also gives us a chance to reflect on our style of play.”


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