NorthLink warn of weather-related disruption

Poor weather forecasts have led to NorthLink warning of disruption to its sailings during the coming week.

The operator says tomorrow’s northbound sailing of the Hjaltland is now planned to leave Aberdeen for Lerwick at 6pm, instead of the originally planned 7pm departure.

Her estimated time of arrival in Lerwick is 5am on Tuesday.

Disruption is also expected on the Pentland Firth crossings, with the Hamnavoe expected to sail to a revised timetable between Scrabster and Stromness.

NorthLink say more details will follow as forecasts are updated.


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  • Daphne A. Hodgson

    • December 8th, 2019 22:33

    Love receiving The Shetland Times on line. Have been to Scotland but have yet to visit the Islands, which is on my “bucket list”. My Aunt Morag was from the east coast of Scotland.
    I enjoy reading local news, and travel vicariously through your stories. I live an hour north of New York City, N. Y.
    PLEASE don’t think ALL Americans are Trump supporters!

    • Keith Craig

      • December 10th, 2019 20:40

      Why would you put such a comment that not all Americans are Trump supporters? Seems to me that the left in the States are against democracy!

  • May Somers

    • December 9th, 2019 15:56

    I love reading all about Shetland. I have visited the island 3 times and Kirkwall can’t get enough of Shetland, love the webcams just brilliant makes me feel like I am there watching all the activities.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas to you all.


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