Amenity trust chairwoman to step down

The chairwoman of Shetland Amenity Trust is leaving her role for health reasons.
Ruth Mackenzie has announced she is stepping down in a statement.
Mrs Mackenzie joined the trust in May 2016 and was appointed to the role of chairwoman of the board in October 2017.
“I have really valued my time with the trust and I am very sorry to be stepping down,” she said.
“My preference would be to stay on in the role but unfortunately health issues have arisen which mean that I can no longer continue to give the level of commitment that I would wish.
“It has been an incredibly difficult decision but my health and family must come first.
“I am hugely passionate about the work of the trust and wish all of the staff and trustees the very best for the future.”
The trust’s vice-chairman Alastair Hamilton praised Mrs Mackenzie for her work.
He said: “We are very sad that Ruth is unable to continue in her role but we completely understand her reasons for doing so.
“Her health and family must have absolute priority. We are all deeply grateful for all that she has done for the trust over the last few years. She really has given the trust her all and has provided strong leadership through challenging times. She will be sorely missed.”
Mr Hamilton will take on the role chairman in the interim until such time as a new chairman can be appointed.
Sandy McMillan
About a couple of years ago I approached the Amenity trust, after being advised that this was the place to sell my wears which was Shetland themed goods, as the Amenity Trust bought as much of Shetland home made goods.
I approached the Amenity Trust who were based down at Shearers old ice factory, So with my wears in hand after making an appointment I went feeling Braley good,
The goods I make are Shetland Scenic Calendars, T-Shirts with a picture or animal, well known to Shetland, I was met by what I thought was a gentleman, well I showed of my wears to him.
He answered me with a sorry and, said but we get the most of our goods from doon sooth, I thanked him for seeing me and well that was that, A Shetlander getting the door slammed in his face.
I hope very much that the next Amenity Trust Chairperson looks more favorable towards the Shetlanders and there (Home) made goods no matter what they make.