Musician in fundraising efforts for foodbank

A local musician is raising funds for the isles foodbank after reading of the organisation’s coronavirus-related troubles on The Shetland Times website.
Jack Sandison has set up a Crowdfunding page when he learned the foodbank had come under strain.
He has pledged to carry out some online “busking” to help get the organisation through the Covid-19 crisis.
And his cause has certainly proved popular – as of Thursday afternoon he was well on the way to reaching his £500 target.
On Wednesday The Shetland Times told how the foodbank was facing an uphill struggle with a fall in donations.
Most of the regular volunteers at the St Magnus Street premises had been forced to temporarily remove themselves as well, either due to health concerns or age.
But despite the pandemic efforts are being made to overcome the difficulties.
Newly recruited volunteer teams are being trained and the foodbank is aiming to maintain its regular opening hours.
Mr Sandison said: “Due to the current crisis, Shetland Foodbanks are now under strain.
“I have set up this page for anyone to share and raise funds for by staying at home and demonstrating their creative skills.
“I will be hosting a Facebook Live ‘busking’ session this Saturday.”
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