Register set up for key worker accommodation

NHS Shetland and Shetland Islands Council have created a register of available accommodation for key workers.

The shared register follows a number of offers of accommodation being made to the NHS over the last few weeks, which it said had “proved invaluable”.

Anyone with available accommodation should get in touch with NHS Shetland, which has been “very grateful to all those who have come forward”.

The SIC said it may also require key worker accommodation over the coming months, particularly in the more outlying areas of the Mainland and in the outer isles.

Chief executive Maggie Sandison: “We’re aware that there may be individuals and businesses – for example, tourist accommodation providers – who have space which could be used by key workers in our ‘first responder’ category who may have to leave their homes in order to continue working.

“A single point of contact – [email protected]  – has been set up for anyone who may be able to help to get in touch.  Please provide the address of the property, your terms and conditions, and your contact details.

“In the first instance, priority would obviously be given to those working in the areas of health and social care, but there may be other key workers as time goes on who face the same issues.”


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