Limited visits allowed to care homes

Care homes around the isles are now welcoming visitors under carefully controlled conditions, Shetland Islands Council has confirmed.
Scottish government guidance is now allowing single designated individuals to visit a family member or friend outdoors, with appropriate social distancing.
Councillor Emma Macdonald, chairwoman of the Integration Joint Board which has responsibility for most local centres, said she was pleased they had got to this point.
She said: “It has been an extremely difficult few months for residents, families and staff, and it is so important that this contact is now being allowed, albeit under carefully monitored conditions.
“We know all too well the risks the virus poses to this vulnerable group of people, so it is important we continue to be vigilant, but I’m hopeful that before too long we can move to more relaxed visiting.
“In the meantime I’d like to pass on my thanks once more to residents, families and staff for their patience and courage during this very difficult time.”
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