June traffic is well down in Lerwick Harbour

June saw the biggest decrease in shipping movements at Lerwick Harbour in a month since the coronavirus situation began.
The number of vessels listed as calling was 352, a drop of 242 and 38.2 per cent from the same month last year.
The total gross registered tonnage was also massively down, from 1,537,371 in June 2019 to 541,122 last month.
The 352 arrivals included 182 fishing boats, 57 workboats/tenders, 38 ro-ro ships, 34 live fish carriers, 16 oil-related vessels, five tankers, four ferries, four tugs, three yachts, three pilot boats, two general cargo ships and one barge.
The 182 fishing boats (actually up slightly from 2019) comprised 124 from Shetland, 56 from Britain and two from France.
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