Success at street as bairns enjoy October holiday fun

Bairns and businesses have hailed Living Lerwick’s October holiday activities as a success.

Over 200 collection bags were handed out to bairns in the Super Star Trail, where they had to look in shops to find where Maunsie was hiding.

More than 30 businesses also placed neepie characters in their windows for the Neepie Lantern competition, which was jointly won by LHD Custom Clothing and Peerie Foxes.

At the Love Local Hub, two entrants from Lerwick won a prize for their colouring in of a picture of Maunsie.

Their work will be transferred to a plate courtesy of Aa Fired Up.

And Sheila Manson won a £50 voucher for Harry’s after completing a full Spend at da Street card.

Living Lerwick chairman Steve Mathieson said the activities had proved a “great experience” for families.

“At the hub we’ve been chatting with lots of people who have already started their Christmas shopping and had found new ideas on the Star Trail as they went into shops they might not normally visit.”




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