Petition handed to council calling for Viking construction work to be stopped

A petition with over 1,200 signatures calling for work to be halted on the Viking Energy windfarm has been handed to the Shetland Islands Council.
The motion has been handed in by Save Shetland, and has attracted 1,221 signatures.
Group member Ernie Rameker said there was “great concern”, in the community and outwith the isles, that the development was not being “independently monitored and scrutinised”.
The group are looking for all construction work on the project to be stopped until concerns about the construction have been addressed.
Save Shetland said there had been a “number of environmental incidents” since work on the 103-turbine windfarm began, and they feel these could have been avoided if the “accountability expected by the community” had been in place.
The group are asking for the petition to go before the full council meeting set to be held on Wednesday 20th January.
George Herraghty
What does the Science actually say?
Renewable energy is cripplingly expensive, hopelessly unreliable, massacres wildlife, destroys landscapes, destabilises the grid, harms indigenous peoples, and actually causes climate change says a meticulous review just published in the scientific journal Energies by a team of Irish and US based researchers.
Center for Environmental Research & Earth Sciences 16th September 2020