Drone to conduct thermal survey of Lerwick’s district heating network

A drone will launch tomorrow (Tuesday) night to carry out a survey of the Lerwick district heating network.
The Shetland Flyer will be leading the operation from 8pm-5am, from eight locations around the town. It will help to identify any leaks or inefficiencies in the network.
The operation is being carried out in partnership with Danish thermal imaging specialists Drone Systems on behalf of Shetland Heat Energy and Power (Sheap).
Permissions from the SIC and landowners have been agreed; police and coastguard will be informed.
A test flight at Oversund last week resulted in several reports of “lights in the sky” as the drone’s anti-collision beacons are bright.
Shetland Flyer said the drone will be clearly visible from land and air, although at 90 metres above the ground it should not be audible.
People are invited to contact The Shetland Flyer on 01595 747047 or via its Facebook page with questions.
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