Find a ‘Shetland Sit Spot’ to enjoy birdlife

People are being encouraged to get outside and find a “sit spot” to enjoy the wildlife that frequents their gardens.
The Shetland Times is joining forces with RSPB Shetland over the coming months to include a regular “Sit Spot” feature in the newspaper. The first was published in Friday’s edition.
RSPB Shetland community engagement officer Karen MacKelvie the Sit Spot & Story campaign went further than simply watching the birds.
“It’s about taking time every day to ‘be’ with the birds and start to understand the language of birds.
“The first challenge is to approach your Sit Spot without gluffing them, once you can do that, you’re well on the way. Then we want to hear stories of what you’ve learnt from just being there, for a start, every day.”
Share your stories on social media using #ShetlandSitSpot.
Sit Spot & Story from Nature Nudge on Vimeo.
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