New auctioneer is appointed

A new auctioneer has been appointed to preside over sales at the Lerwick marts.
Ellis Mutch will conduct sales on behalf of Aberdeen and Northern Marts and Shetland Livestock Marketing Group (SLMG).
He is taking over from long-standing auctioneer Rod Mackenzie, who is taking a new job in Dingwall – close to Beauly where he is from.
Mr Mutch is a former chairman and current director of the Royal Northern Countryside Initiative.
Chairman of SLMG Cecil Eunson said he was disappointed to see Mr Mackenzie go.
“It is disappointing to see him leaving us after 14 years as our auctioneer but we can fully understand his move to another job so close to home. We wish him well in his new venture.
“ANM, our auction partners, have appointed Ellis Mutch as auctioneer at the Shetland Marts, and together we look forward to a positive future.”
* Catch Landwise on 9th April for more on the change-over in personnel at the marts
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