‘Once in a lifetime’ opportunity to head Fair Isle school

The UK’s most remote primary school is looking for a new head teacher.
Shetlands Islands Council says it is a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to become part of the 60-strong Fair Isle community, which it describes as “friendly and dynamic”.
It’s hoped Fair Isle could prove to be a draw for potential recruits, with the island well regarded for its scenery, wildlife and knitwear.
Fair Isle Primary currently has a total of three pupils on the roll.
But while the school is small, Susannah Parnaby – the parent council chairwoman – says it is well equipped to help children pursue “diverse careers” across the UK and further afield.
“There are lots of opportunities for creative teaching – the children are always keen to get involved with our school garden, and to study the natural world and the island’s culture, with music, knitting and crofting important parts of this.
“For the right person, Fair Isle is a great place to live and provides the opportunity to build relationships with the children and a supportive local community.”
Quality improvement manager Robin Calder said Fair Isle offered a welcoming and close-knit community.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for a head teacher, or aspiring head teacher, to join the vibrant community in Fair Isle and continue to take the school forward,” he said.
The post is permanent and full-time, working 35 hours a week. A relocation package applies to the post, which the council says attracts a Remote School Allowance. Interview expenses are paid from within the UK.
maher arida
wow. it is a wonderful land. i am from Syria and i am an English teacher i would like to work there please any one send me the email of this school to apply for this position
[email protected]
Silvia Arcari
I am Italian and have worked as a teacher to different age groups since 2009. I would be very interested in applying for this job and would appreciate it if you contacted me.
Thank you.
Matteo Paladini
I ‘m from Italy, I’m a PE teacher and I would be intrested in patrtecipating in this exciting experience.
Barbara Bastelli
I’am an italian teacher. I’m interested in applying for this job.
Barbara Bastelli
[email protected]
Laura Varriano
I’m an Italian teacher from 2005. I’d like to live this experience. I love teaching so much.
Vincenzo Buttino
italian Teacher of music, composer, pianist, writer of music. I wish teach in Shetland or other english isles. My name is Vincenzo Buttino, tel. -39 3246867231, mail [email protected]
Paolo Trapani
Dear Fair Isle School,
I am an italian teacher with 11 years of experience at school and University. My English level is B2. I have 4 academic degrees and I published 3 novels.
I am available to move there and work in your school.
Please contact me and choose me.
Pallo Trapani
Farnelli Luciano
Hi, I’m Arianna Zorzin, an Italian teacher with a degree in motor science with the highest grade. I would be interested in hiring as a teacher. For more information you can contact me at the following email address: [email protected]. Thanks.
Maria Elena Dalla Libera
I would like to know how to apply for the job. I’m an Italian teacher with a University degree in foreign languages and a master in special education needs
Claudio Lisi
I m interested in. Can you please contact me? Thank you in advance.
Viviana Spadaccini
L’annuncio mi ha portato a fantasticare con la mente in questa parte di paradiso dove il tempo è più lento e la vita viene vissuta con trasporto di emozioni.
Insegno in ogni ordine di scuola e mi candido per questa meravigliosa avventura scolastica.
Giuseppe Marescalco
I have got a long experience teaching activity. In the Secondary low School and Secondary High School, and University. I have got experience too, in teaching Foreign Languages in Italian Grammar School. I’d like to be involved in this exciting experience at Fair Isle School, Scotland.