Isles artist awarded professorship

A visual artist who has taught in Shetland since 2001 has been awarded a professorship by the University of Highlands and Islands (UHI).
Roxanne Permar, originally from Pennsylvania, moved to Shetland to teach sculpture at the Shetland College twenty years ago.
She has been given the title of professor of art and social practice, in recognition of her social and creative research and her exceptional contribution to education.
Professor Permar said she was “thrilled and proud” to receive the title.
“I have always seen art and learning as a way to bring about social change.
“I believe art can stretch our imaginations, build self-esteem and enhance a sense of ownership in all aspects of our lives.
“Like my own research practice, I encourage students to embed their work in their own location, where the local context gives their work meaning and relevance.
“I love working in my local community in Shetland.”
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