Assurances given over Covid mitigation at Scalloway school

All necessary mitigation measures are in place at Scalloway Primary School following an outbreak of coronavirus.
The message has come from director of children’s services Helen Budge during today’s education and families committee meeting.
Mrs Budge said a “strategic meeting” had taken place after cases first emerged on Friday.
She said parents had been informed, and that all the young people who had tested positive were awaiting the results of PCR tests.
“We really appreciate the support we have had from officers over the weekend, and also from NHS Shetland,” Mrs Budge told councillors.
“The first we were aware of a case was very late on Friday.
“Since then, over the weekend, the information has come through. The track and trace team has been involved, and we have had a strategic meeting.”
Mrs Budge added the school was open and that “all mitigations” were in place.
“We’ve introduced back the ‘bubbling’ to ensure all the bairns that are in the school are as safe as we can possibly have them.”
Committee chairman George Smith said he believed the rise in cases reflected what was being seen throughout the country.
“The reality is this seems to be something fairly common across Scotland with schools going back and increased testing.”
He acknowledged a number of parents would be inconvenienced, with some left unable to go to work as children isolate.
But he said he was confident staff were dealing with the issue effectively.
He said staff had spent “considerable time” over the weekend tackling the situation, and added he wished to record his appreciation for the work that was done.
After her update Mrs Budge left the meeting to continue to deal with the situation.
Earlier today the Hame Fae Hame nursery in Scalloway announced it would remain closed while a staff member awaited a Covid-19 test result.
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