Food tourism Ambassador is named

A new programme which places food tourism at the heart of the recovery of Scotland’s tourism and food and drink sectors has launched, with the appointment of 25 Regional Food Tourism Ambassadors, including one from Shetland.
Claire White, already a champion of the isles food and drink industry via her role as manager of Taste of Shetland, has taken on the brand new role.
“It was a nationwide recruitment campaign they ran, it’s a voluntary role, so all 25 ambassadors across Scotland are volunteers and we’ve been recruited to amplify food and drink tourism messaging across the country and encourage engagement at all levels,” said Ms White.
“I networked with other regional food groups across the country and the opportunity arose and I couldn’t bear to see Shetland not represented.”
The programme was officially launched by rural affairs and islands Mairi Gougeon at an event in Edinburgh last week who paid tribute to the resilience and determination of Scotland’s food and tourism sectors.

Rosie Jack, Regional Food Tourism Ambassador for Fife
Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands
Craig Wilson, Regional Food Tourism Ambassador for Aberdeenshire Back left to right:
Fiona Richmond, Head of Regional Food – Scotland Food & Drink
Marc Crothall, CEO – Scottish Tourism Alliance
James Withers, CEO – Scotland Food & Drink
Ms Gougeon said: “I am delighted that Scotland’s food and drink ambassadors have been appointed. They will play a key role in supporting food tourism to become a sustainable and important contributor to local economies.
“Their work and expertise, against the backdrop of major challenges to the sector from Brexit and the pandemic, will raise Scotland’s profile as a food tourism destination and help rebuild our food, hospitality and tourism industry.”
A full report will appear in the Friday, 24th September edition of The Shetland Times.