Sessions and Sail to bring music to the Swan later this year

An experience combining sailing and live music sessions will come to the isles for the first time in April.

Sessions and Sail, started by isles musician Barry Nisbet, will see musicians of all abilities given the opportunity to sail around Shetland aboard the Swan between 25th and 29th April.

It will coincide with the 40th Shetland Folk Festival celebrations.

The first voyage for Sessions and Sail took place in 2018, but this is the first time it has been brought to the isles.

Musician Nisbet said that the trip, initially booked for 2020, had been “a long time coming”.

“I’ve run trips further south and have always been keen to bring Sessions and Sail home,” he said.

“With Swan being such a well-known Shetland vessel, and having sailed on her regularly myself, I know she will be the perfect boat to partner with.

“I am also delighted that for the sailing we will be under the command of skipper Maggie Adamson, who is a top class Shetland musician as well as an excellent sailor.”

Swan Trust Trustee Brian Wishart said they were “delighted” to bring Sessions and Sail to the isles.

“The Swan is no stranger to musical sessions, with many a memorable night aboard.

“We hope this trip may become an annual event, adding to the wide range of high-quality musical experiences on offer in Shetland.”


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