Prime Minister agrees to investigate Russian tanker visiting Sullom Voe

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has agreed to investigate a Russian tanker loading oil at the Sullom Voe Oil Terminal.

The 244-metre oil tanker NS Challenger – operated by Sovcomflot, a company owned by the Russian government – arrived at Sullom Voe as Russian tanks moved into Ukraine.

The tanker has been based at Sullom today (Thursday).

MP Alistair Carmichael asked Mr Johnson in Westminster if any sanctions would be introduced to ensure this could not happen again.

“My constituents are asking me why they should be loading oil onto a Russian tanker while Russian troops are marching into Ukraine,” he said.

“I cannot think of a good answer to tell them.”

The prime minister said he would “immediately investigate” what was happening with the Russian tanker.

“The result of the measures passed by the house the other day is that we can target any company, any entity that has a relation with the Russian state,” Mr Johnson said.

Mr Carmichael had earlier called the government’s sanctions on Russia “inadequate”.



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  • Bill Smale

    • February 25th, 2022 5:44

    “As Russian tankers moved into Ukraine…” Should that read ‘tanks’?

  • Judith Probert

    • February 26th, 2022 12:28

    Not only should NO tanker, or for that matter any thing related to Russia , e.g. their fishing fleet – be allowed to load Oil, or take on water ( with memories of first arriving in Shetland 1973, when a tanker taking on “water” for the Russian fleet !? Could be seen in Lerwick). By making normal working conditions difficult to them, word will be reported back to their family/friends back home – and reinforce that Russia cannot be allowed to behave in this way.
    Not only should there be a large financial loss to Russian President, but the entire country be sent a very clear message by effectively creating a “blockade” to “anything” crossing the border into Russia. Which I hope could include “holding” the said tanker from leaving Sullom ….. The only way to counter Putin’s propaganda is to make it very clear how his actions are viewed by the rest of the world. Any sanctions have to have “teeth”, and it is up to everyone to demonstrate their support ….. Shetland should be in the forefront of this ……


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