Shetland Arts agreement will give dash of creativity to the Knab

Shetland Arts has announced a two-year partnership with Shetland Islands Council to deliver creative solutions for The Knab as part of the redevelopment masterplan.

A two-year secondment has been secured for a creative outreach post via Shetland Arts, ensuring that creativity is embedded in the design and build of the Knab redevelopment.

The role has been taken on by creative project manager Jane Matthews, who previously worked at Shetland Arts on national and local projects.

Core to the masterplan is the proposal for the development of the Anderson Institute into a creative hub, including creative workspace, artists’ studios, exhibition space, workshop and community meeting spaces.

Part of Matthews’ role will be to deliver a pilot project on the ground floor to fully establish levels of demand is for the hub.

Chief executive of Shetland Arts Graeme Howell said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to bring our expertise to the table and support SIC’s redevelopment of the Knab.

“We believe that creativity is an important part of everybody’s life, and we continue to enable and empower our communities, groups and individuals to fulfil their creative potential.”


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