Jarl’s Squad parades through Måløy for annual festival

Members of the Lerwick-Up-Helly-A’ Jarl’s Squad have been parading the streets of Måløy.
Retired journalist Kari Midtgård Råsberg shot some photos and video of the squad members as they took part in the Måløydagene festival.
The squad marched through the town on Friday and Saturday and will be in parade again this afternoon (Sunday).
Kari said the Vikings were always a popular feature in the festival and the Jarl’s Squad had visited on many occasions.
“The singing and the cheering draws people to come and see what is going on,” she added.
“Many locals had their pictures taken together with the Vikings.”
The four day festival is held every year in Lerwick’s Norwegian twin town, featuring music, entertainment and fun fair attractions.
This year’s festival kicked off on Thursday and comes to an end today (Sunday).
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