SIC survey public on council finances for next year

Shetland Islands Council (SIC) are looking to the public’s opinion on matters to decide what will happen with the budget for the next financial year.
A survey has been released that can be completed HERE, with a deadline of Friday, 17th February at 5pm.
The six-question survey asks what should be done with council tax, major projects and council reserves among other things.
In a statement SIC said: “Decisions on this year’s budget will be made in the face of significant and increasing financial challenges, and are likely to have an impact on services in the years to come.
“With reduced government funding, high inflation, rising demand for services and the need to maintain infrastructure in the face of high costs, there is increasing pressure on resources, and the council needs to look closely at what it does and how it does it to ensure it continues to provide a high level of service to the community.”
Scott Nicolson
The fat needs to be trimmed From top to bottom not the other way around, i.e upper and middle management Needs streamlined long before Frontline Services are cut. Too many managers in positions For too long leaving folk wondering “and whit Is it dey Do?” Why do we have around 2000 + more employees When compared with Orkney Islands Council For similar population and services?
Peter Roderick Smith
To be fair, I think 2000+ is somewhat of an exaggeration. It also seems to be forgotten that the ferry crews in Orkney are employed by an arms length company, not the OIC.
Scott Nicolson
It’s not an exaggeration, a quick Google will show you that. There’s also no way The Ferries employee even close to a thousand folk…
But it still doesn’t distract from the fact any cuts The SIC come with Needs to be done from top to bottom Not the other way around.