SIC urges Scottish government to throw out New Life appeal

Shetland Islands Council has encouraged Scottish government ministers to throw out an appeal from the New Life Church over planning permission for an SIC building.
The church’s application for permission to turn the former science block at the old Anderson High School into a place of worship was refused by the council’s planning committee, on the basis of parking and safety concerns.
But the church appealed the decision to the Scottish government, saying the decision went against “the clear and confirmed advice” of SIC officials.
The SIC has now responded to the appeal – calling for it to be dismissed and planning permission refused.
Council officials had recommended the application be approved last December, but the planning committee went against that advice and refused it.
However, the council has now said that decision was “valid” in the context of fears about the lack of parking and health and safety concerns.
The Shetland Times also reported earlier this month that the SIC deemed the value “not high value” before handing the building to the church for £1.
An external valuation of the land, and the building, was not sought before that decision.
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