Aspiring film-makers invited to submit their home made productions

A popular film festival competition celebrating Shetland talent is opening for entries.

Shetland Arts is calling for submissions to its annual Home Made competition, in which local film-makers can have their short productions shown at the Screenplay Film Festival.

The event, which runs from 29th August to 3rd September, is said to “showcase Shetland talent as the star of the show”.

Shetland Arts said the Home Made screening is always one of the most popular festival events.

Screenplay director Kathy Hubbard said: “The Home Made screening is a much anticipated event by the curators as well as the audience.

“As usual we are looking for films no longer than four minutes, in any genre, made by makers of all abilities and ages, the main stipulation being that you must be a Shetlander by birth, residence, or in higher education.

“The films must be suitable for a general audience, and there will be a selection process.

“If last year’s varied programme of 26 films is anything to go by, we are all in for a cinematic treat.”

Audience members will be asked to vote for their favourite film – with Alex Garrick-Wright picking up the most in last year’s competition for his comedy Suncaller.

This year’s winning entry may even be in line for a prize.

As with previous years, Shetland ForWirds will be donating a cash prize for the best film in Shetland Dialect.

Last year’s prize went to Amy Gear for her animation Honds Reach Up.

Submissions must be made no later than 5pm on 31st July.

Visit for details on how to enter.


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