Transport minister’s NorthLink remarks branded ‘stupid’

Transport minister Fiona Hyslop has been criticised by councillors after she claimed the lack of available accessible cabins on NorthLink was not her “responsibility.”
Lerwick North and Bressay councillor Stephen Leask said: “Scottish Transport is a subsidiary agency of the Scottish government and if you’re not responsible for that particular area, then I don’t know what you are [responsible for].
“That’s simply passing the buck. It’s not clever rhetoric by the government minister – ‘oh it’s not my problem’ – it’s quite laughable to be honest.
“The fact is you can’t come up with an answer like that and get away with it. I wouldn’t get away with saying something stupid like that.
“They are responsible for Scottish transport. Ministers are spoken to on a regular basis and have meetings about transport issues, so surely they can have some input into the problems Shetland are having with NorthLink,” he said.
SIC environment and transport chairwoman Moraig Lyall added: “I think she has to accept that the Scottish government are the people through Transport Scotland who write the contracts for NorthLink and source the boats. There’s a joined responsibility to address these sorts of issues.”
Read the full story in this week’s Shetland Times
Ronnie Green
Would have blamed Westminster if she thought it would work, typical SNP, it’s not my fault, always someone else’s.
Catherine mckay
It not right when other council get a discount on the bus pass
Sandy Macalister
Unfortunately the SNP government don’t do “taking responsibility “ and appear never to have heard of accountability.
Bob Marsh
SNP involvement in sanctioning, with cost to the taxpayer, what is evident now the gross contract mishandling, delays and cost overruns that have plagued Clyde construction of the two new Ferguson built ferries. It’s hardly surprising the mention of anything ferry related to the government minister responsible for Transport, recently installed in her post as the fourth in 25 months, would be a topic that likely provokes obfuscation, subject specifics ignorance, and no doubt preference for a topic change.
The lady concerned is probably just beginning to appreciate her job, through the actions of her predecessors, is in fact somewhat of a poisoned chalice to be attached to right at the present time, and subject to valid, increasing critical review and comment. The handling of the Scotland ferry situation in general for years now by the government and the executive responsible for management of same, is being shown to be unfit for purpose. This has led to the crisis around the country, represented now by a fleet of many inadequate, mostly overage, expensive to run and maintain, environmentally unfriendly boats.
cecil robertson
time for tunnels