SNP picks candidate to challenge for Northern Isles seat

Orcadian Robert Leslie will stand for election for the Northern Isles at the next general election for the SNP.
Mr Leslie previously ran for election in the seat in 2019 but finished second in the ballot.
The 53-year-old was reporter and editor at The Orcadian, Orkney Today and the Orkney Farmer and is currently energy officer at Orkney Housing Association.
Mr Leslie said his campaign would be focussed on independence, adding: “It’s time to unshackle ourselves from Westminster”.
He said the Conservative party had ruined the UK economy while other London-based parties had refused to give Scots a say on their future and to become independent.
He pointed to Brexit and a “disastrous mini budget” that former Prime Minister Liz Truss had overseen.
“This has created a crippling cost-of-living crisis, meaning folk across these islands are struggling with household costs and mortgages, and there is no sign that a change of government at Westminster will make things any better,” he added.
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