Cancer survivor raises over £10k for charity

A breast cancer survivor has raised over £10,000 for cancer charity Clan at a swapshop held at Aith Hall.
Sharon Deyell was diagnosed with breast cancer after her first mammogram last year.
During her successful treatment in Aberdeen she stayed at Clan Haven which she described as “the most special place with such a warm, secure and welcoming feel”.
Following treatment, she vowed that all the money raised at her next swapshop would go towards Clan.
Among the many prizes on offer were two dresses which had been donated by television presenter Lorraine Kelly, along with a signed photo of her wearing them.
A Burra bear named “Clancy o’ da Wastbanks” was also up for grabs, attracting the interest of those as far away as the United States.
The total amount of money raised from the event was was £10,200, which left Ms Deyell feeling “completely overwhelmed.”
Read the full story in this week’s Shetland Times.
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