Skipper in kitten row poured jug of water over former partner

A skipper carried out a “nasty” assault on his former partner after she refused to leave his house without her kitten.

John Laurenson admitted pouring a jug of water over the woman and dragging her out of his Ollaberry home when he appeared before Lerwick Sheriff Court on Wednesday.

The court heard the couple had been drinking together on 6th October when an argument ensued and Laurenson asked the complainer to leave.

Procurator fiscal Duncan MacKenzie said she had drunk too much to drive and called a friend to pick her up.

While collecting her belongings, the court heard the complainer began searching for a kitten which the couple had recently bought together.

“Her friend arrived but the kitten could not be found and she was refusing to leave without it,” the fiscal added.

Laurenson’s response was to fill a jug with water and pour it over her, the court heard

Mr MacKenzie said the matters then “escalated”.

The fiscal described how the accused pushed his partner, grabbed her and the dragged her from his home, during which they clashed heads.

“Her nose was bleeding quite heavily,” he said.

Laurenson called the police, hoping it would get her to leave, but when officers arrived, it was him they arrested.

Defence agent Tommy Allan said Laurenson, who works as a skipper on a fish farm boat, had since become aware of the “dangers that alcohol presented to their relationship”.

“Moving ahead, that is something he is keen to address,” he added.

Sheriff Ian Cruickshank described it as a “nasty assault” and fined Laurenson £400.


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