End the ‘scourge’ of fuel poverty, MP says

There should be more action to help families heat homes over the winter, Alistair Carichael said to mark Fuel Poverty Awareness Day on Thursday.

The isles MP called on The Scottish and UK governments to end the “scourge” of fuel poverty after he joined charity National Energy Action earlier this week to discuss their work. 

Marking the occasion Mr Carmichael said it was a time to redouble efforts to ease the financial burden.

“We need to see far more ambition from both our governments on fuel poverty,” the Liberal Democrat said. 

“Not just on expanding renewables and ensuring reliable energy supplies but in tackling energy efficiency with comprehensive insulation programmes.”

He added there had been serious flaws in the approach from both governments as millions of pounds of funding had not reached those who need it – including around £160,000 missed in the isles alone.


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