WATCH: Scalloway Fire Festival gets under way

The fire festival season kicked off this morning (Friday) in Scalloway.

Scalloway’s Jarl’s Squad assembled at Scalloway Boating Club before making their way to the NAFC Marine Centre where they opened with the Up-Helly-A’ song before covering Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Delighted Guizer Jarl John Robert Umphray said: “It’s brilliant, I’m glad that it’s finally here.

“We’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.”

The Jarl’s Squad proceeded to hold the galley procession from Port Arthur to Da Waterfront.

On the way down to Da Waterfront, spectators were left in awe after the dragon at the front of the galley blew steam out of its nose.

Pupils from the Scalloway Primary School were among those excitedly watching the procession, with teacher Louise Tait telling The Shetland Times they made their own helmets in preparation for the event.

Read the full story in next week’s Shetland Times.


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