Storm Isha may disrupt ferries and school transport

Storm Isha could affect school transport and inter-island ferries tomorrow (Monday), the SIC has warned.
The Met Office has issued a yellow warning for wind, which is likely to bring strong gales to Shetland between 6am-10am.
All schools and nurseries are expected to open as normal tomorrow morning.
However, the council said bus operators may not be able to safely operate in winds exceeding 60mph.
It said decisions would be made early tomorrow and more information will be available through the usual channels from schools, as well as on the council’s website, on social media channels and through local media.
If school transport is cancelled, parents and carers can decide whether it is safe for their children to travel by an alternative means, if available.
Transport in the afternoon must also be arranged in case buses are still out of service.
Updates will be available on the voicebank on 01595 745743.
Buses may also be disrupted and passengers intending to travel should call 01595 745744.
Inter-island ferries may also be disrupted tomorrow morning.
More details are available via
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